I wish… Let’s talk about regrets

How many times a day do we think “I wish I had/hadn’t done this or that”? And I’m not talking only about things in the present, but things in the past too.

For example, when I was in high school I was offered to go to France and spend a month during summer living with a hosting family. It was a program for high school students and it was a great opportunity to improve my French and have my very first experience living outside the country, but I was too shy and stayed home.

A few times I thought to myself that I should have gone. However, several years later I had a chance to go study to Toulouse, France, for a semester, and this time I didn’t let the opportunity go.

There’s a phrase out there that says that it is better to regret the things we did instead of the ones that we didn’t do. But how about understanding that regretting something doesn’t get you closer to your goals/life that you want/anything at all? They say (and I do believe it) that when a door closes, a window opens. Why don’t we invest our time on seeing how we can find that window instead of thinking about things in the past that we can’t change?

There’s a phrase out there that says that it is better to regret the things we did instead of the ones that we didn’t do.

But how about understanding that regretting something doesn’t get you closer to your goals/life that you want/anything at all? They say (and I do believe it) that when a door closes, a window opens. Why don’t we invest our time on seeing how we can find that window instead of thinking about things in the past that we can’t change?

That has been my philosophy for the longest time. I regret very little things in my life (if any). If I had gone to France when I was in high school I wouldn’t have met the people that were my friends for several years, and I wouldn’t have learned the lessons that I learned. Ultimately, it’s all those experiences what make me who I am today.

Life is a road with many side roads. Choices. I don’t think there are wrong choices (at least most of the time), as we learn from anything and everything to form the people that we are.

So make the choices thinking what’s best for you at that moment, and if later you realize that you made a mistake, learn from it and continue with your life. Who knows, maybe from that “mistake” you get to a better place!

Do you regret something in your life? Let me know in the comments below!