7 Tips to STOP Biting your Nails

I’m not sure how it started. Or when. Or why.

But I know it ended in the beginning of 2012. For the most part.

I still do it sometimes. When I’m stressed, nervous or I feel a little anxious.

I’m talking about my nail biting habit.

7 tips to stop biting your nails

Really, guys, it is a serious thing. Think about it. You use your hands to hold, move and touch things that we don’t even know if they’re clean. And what do we do next? Take that same hand to our mouth to satisfy that weird… is it a need? Our mind tell us that we need to do it, the same way that some people (like my husband) need to keep moving or making noises with their hands or feet.

Anyways. Nail biting is a disgusting habit. Who knows what amount of bacteria (and other nasty stuff) are you putting in your mouth without even thinking about it? Yeah, I didn’t think about it when I was doing it. It was just a reflex action. And, sometimes, I would realize after a couple of minutes into it.

After a little research on the internet I have to say that my nails weren’t that bad. I always stopped biting when it hurt and, usually, before they bled. I have read stories and seen pictures of people that went waaaaaaaay further than I did.

For many years my mom tried to make me stop that nasty habit. She would use a special nail polish that didn’t taste good, garlic, the slap technique… Nothing worked. And then, in 2012, after a bad break up, I stopped. Maybe it was a sign that it was actually for the best LOL

The other day, though, I realized I was biting my nails again. That’s something that I still do every once in a while, when I’m stressed out or something. And lately I’ve had so many things in my head that it’s not weird that my mind reacted that way.

Also, I wasn’t paying that much attention to my nails, so they had some edges that I had to get rid of, you know…

7 tips to stop biting your nails

I was thinking about the subject and I decided to look over the internet to check out some ideas to stop this bad habit and I gotta say I tried most of them. Below you will find a few ideas that you can follow to stop biting your nails.

  • Trim your nails. If your nails are short, you will probably have nothing to bite. And be careful not to leave any edges so you don’t have a starting point. How many times I started with a very tiny edge and I destroyed the rest of the nail! *Answer: too many to count*
  • Use a bitter tasting nail polish. I didn’t knew it was a thing until my mom brought it home. I don’t think it worked with me that much. I think you can get used to the taste or just be careful to use only your teeth. In any case, I think the main reason for it to work is because it makes the nails shiny and they look pretty. You can also put garlic on your nails to get the same result (except the pretty part).
  • Get a manicure. Either if you pay for it or it takes you some effort to go through the “filing-trimming-coating-waiting-coating-waiting” part. You don’t want to destroy something that costs you money or time, right? And they look so pretty, you won’t want to destroy them either!
  • Discover what triggers this impulse and find other ways to manage the situation. Yoga, meditation, breathing…
  • Tell your friends and family to let you know when you’re biting your nails. Many times we don’t even realize that we’re doing it until someone points it out (or it hurts).
  • Whenever you feel the urge to bite your nails, try playing with a stress ball, snapping a rubber band in your wrist or something similar. That will distract you from the bad habit.
  • As motivation, you can take daily pictures of your hands and track your progress with them.


Tell me, have you ever bitten your nails? What did you do to stop? And, if you are still doing it, are you planning on stopping? Let me know in the comments!

February Goals

Hello everybody!

It’s been a couple of months since I did my last monthly goals (in January I just did a list of goals for 2016). For this month I have a couple of REALLY interesting ones, as I’m closer to start something that I’m very excited about.

I also got very motivated to work towards my 30 before 30 list and I’ll show you how in an upcoming post.

Let me share with you my goals for this short month:

Monthly Goals - February

  • Workouts/Fitness: Yeah, this is an old one. Yesterday I got up at 7am and went for a (very) short run, but I felt so good afterwards! I am thinking of doing that 2-3 times per week and start the day with energy. Also, I went a couple of times to my community gym last week, but I don’t know what’s wrong with it because it really stinks (argh!), so I decided to workout at home with the great help of Youtube videos. 2 times per week should be good. Let’s get that routine, baby!
  • Reading: I’m pretty happy that I have a reading habit now. Maybe I don’t read as much time as I’d like, but I do that every day, which is a very good thing.
  • Languages: OMG I’ve been so busy researching and doing blog stuff and other things that I didn’t even open Duolingo once lol. I have a lot on my table now, so I’m just going to forget this one for now.
  • Blog: Also an oldie. I have to organize myself with a calendar/weekly schedule and post 2-3 times per week. I still have (and want to) a lot to learn about blogging.
  • Be more positive, happier and appreciate things better. I think I’m getting better at this one. I’m not worrying about other people’s negativity and that’s making my life easier.
  • Have a good night sleep every night. Ok, maybe last night is not the best example (I slept like 4h…), but I am getting better at going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier in the morning. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be a morning person, but I do like the feeling of getting things done early and be productive (who doesn’t?).
  • Start my own business. See, for a very important reason (that I might explain in a few months) I’ve been a housewife for a while now, but I expect to go back to work in a few weeks. I have a degree in tourism and a couple of master’s degrees in tourism management, but after a few years of working in hotels I wasn’t sure if I wanted to work in hotels anymore. After several months of thinking about what I could do with the rest of my life, I decided that I could start my own business. Ok, good idea, but what about? A couple of months ago I found a great idea that would allow me to have the freedom that I wanted while earning some money, so this month I am dedicating myself to learn all about it. It’s going to be challenging and I’ll have to get out of my comfort zone, but what’s life if we don’t take risks/challenges?

Challenges life interesting overcoming meaningful

It’s going to be a very exciting month and I can’t wait to rock these goals!

What are your goals for this month? Let me know in the comments! 🙂

New Year, New Me… Maybe Not

Happy New Year everyone!!

I know, I know, everyone is making tons of promises about things that they dream to do during this new year. That seems to be always one of the first posts of the year, right? Although I do think that the phrase “New Year, New Me” it’s really overused, overrated and doesn’t actually define the changes that we can make during the next 12 months. You’re still going to be you, no matter what things you change in your life.

New Year, New Me... Maybe Not

I have been thinking of things that I want to accomplish this year and the list is pretty long, to be honest. It always is. And, usually, I am too lazy (kinda) to actually put everything into practice. Let’s see…

For my blog

  • I want to grow some figures. I have some numbers in mind, but I am going to keep them to myself for now. I am still learning how to work social media and all that stuff, and I’m sure I’ll find out the way to make it work for me.
  • Consistently post 3 times per week. An all time favorite, right? I need to be more organized. And have a schedule. And follow it.

FromMaiWithLove Header


  • I will start working in March (if everything goes as planned. Please?!) and I am already looking into freelancing, working from home and other alternatives to the 9-5 or crazy work schedule. My goal is simply to make it work. Once I see how it goes I can make further goals in this area.


  • Workout consistently 3-4 times per week. An old favorite.
  • Be able to run 5k straight and without dying by the end of January. If this sounds familiar would be because it was a December Goal too… I know, I know. I should just do it and stop repeating goals.
  • I want to be on my best shape ever. It’s not about the number in the scale, but about strength, flexibility and feeling good in my own body. I have to admit, this one is also an old favorite.

Results or excuses

Life in general

  • I have also some things that I want to do with my husband this year, like save up some money, move in to another apartment and stop having roommates, and doing some more small/day trips.
  • I want 2016 to be the year that we go back to Europe to visit our home countries. It’s been almost 2 years that I’ve seen my family and friends (my parents and sister have come a couple of times) and I really miss the European lifestyle.
  • Also, it wouldn’t hurt me at all to finally do some studying. Languages are something that I love and Italian, Basque and Bulgarian are on my list right now. The main thing that I want to accomplish is to learn enough Bulgarian to maintain a simple and basic conversation. At least.

There we go! These are mainly my main goals, although I also want to start crossing out some things on that 30 before 30 list. That and my bucket list. I should post that one of these days too (note to self).

What are your goals for 2016? I don’t know if I told you this but I love to read people’s goals. Sometimes I get ideas for my own goals too! 🙂 Let me know in the comments or tweet me the link to your blog so I can check!

December Goals

Happy Wednesday!

Last month I didn’t get to do a post about my monthly goals, but here I come now! I am still amazed how fast this year has gone by. I can’t believe it’s already December!

From the goals I had back in October I didn’t really get anything done. I started working on them, but I seem to be taking baby steps compared to what I want to accomplish. Step by step, they say. I’ll just have to take bigger steps so I can get somewhere, haha.

Monthly goals - December

Here I have my goals for the last month of the year:

  • Workouts: I want to be able to run 5K by the end of the month, and lift weights 1-2 times per week.
  • Read 3 books. I’m right now at 1.5-2 and enjoying it!
  • Languages: Take advantage of Duolingo.com 5 days per week.
  • Blog: Post 2-3 days per week, work on social media and growing the views, post more recipes and DIY projects.
  • Be more positive. And happier. And appreciate things better.
  • Go to bed around 11pm and wake up around 8am. I’ve always needed to sleep more than most of the people, but never really had a regular schedule. This would also help me to be able to get more things done during the day.
  • About 9 years ago I started writing stories and I loved it. I want to start doing it again; it’s a great way for me to disconnect and relax.

So there they are! You are my witnesses and I have to get a kick on my butt and start working towards them!

Do you have any goals for this month? How do you keep yourself accountable? Let me know in the comments!


30 things to accomplish before 30

So here I am, less than 3 years to be 30, and I don’t know what to do with my life. Anyone else can relate? As I said before, this year is quite a test for me. Whatever I wanted before I got to the States (career, hobbies, love) has been thrown out of the window. Kind of. I am a “little” lost.

So while I try to find myself again, I’ve been trying different things and thinking (a lot) about what my options are. In the meantime, I am setting several goals and I have made a life list that I definitely want to complete.

I have seen in several places lists of things to accomplish before 30, and I thought to myself that it would be a great idea. When I turned 25 it felt like a punch in the stomach. I didn’t think that I had accomplished that much compared to what I wanted. With this list of things to accomplish I want to get to my 30th birthday feeling that I actually did something, that I’m moving forward instead of just living life.

30 things to accomplish before 30

So no more talking. I’ll leave you my list here 🙂

    1. Make the European tour a reality. Hopefully, we’ll make it true next year, but it might have to be in a couple of years… One or two months of traveling and discovering places and cultures. Yes, please!
    2. Celebrate my wedding with my family.
    3. Figure out what I want in life and pursue it. Sounds easy?
    4. Volunteer for a cause. I was actually thinking of contacting a dog shelter. Still gotta work on that.
    5. Visit all 50 states. Not sure if I’m going to make it, but I’m sure that I’m going to try!
    6. Buy our first home. And…
    7. Have a baby! It’s no secret that I’ve been ready to be a mom for a few years now. At least in my mind. If only I had the economic stability…
    8. Learn Bulgarian enough to be able to have a conversation. My husband being Bulgarian, it makes sense, right?
    9. Write a book. Don’t they say it’s one of those things that everyone should do before dying? I have written some stories, but I want to try and write a book. And, why not, send it to a publisher.
    10. Get a tattoo. I have a couple planned, I just need to get them done.
    11. Start a family tradition.
    12. Go to a couple of Backstreet Boys’ shows of the same tour. No shame! Always wanted to do that and I don’t want to wait anymore. Hopefully I’ll be able to do so on the next tour!
    13. Throw a big dinner party at home. Friends, family… all invited!
    14. See a Broadway show. Of course.
    15. Try more exotic foods. I’m a little picky with food, but it’s always good to try new things, right?
    16. Watch the sunset on a plane. Pretty!
    17. Learn how to take really good pictures.
    18. Make new friends. This is a tough one. Never been that good on making friends. Not lucky with the people I met either.
    19. Dance until the morning. And see the sunrise after.
    20. Run a half marathon. I’d like to run a Spartan, actually. They seem pretty fun with all the mud.
    21. Go skinny-dipping. Sounds like fun!
    22. Perform at a karaoke bar. Not very fan, but you gotta go out of your comfort zone, right?
    23. Throw yourself a huge birthday party. Yeah, girl!
    24. Go scuba diving. And admire all the animals and plants under the water.
    25. Go camping. I did that with my parents when I was a kid and it was really fun!
    26. Unplug for a full week. And enjoy life like the old days.
    27. Leave a note for a stranger. I always wanted to do this. What about wishing a good day with a smile on an anonymous note? I’m sure many people would appreciate it!
    28. Give blood. No need to explain.
    29. Get taken care of at a spa.
    30. Adopt a dog. And/or a cat.


PS. Let me know in the comments what things you have on your list! Maybe we can complete our lists?